
What if I was born with only one kidney?

Kidneys are very indispensable for the survival of a human being. They perform some very essentially filtering the surplus fluid from the body to keep a human beingfit and fine. These kidneys perform a multiplicity of functions to maintain the…

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What are the Side Effects of Eating Momos?

A lot of people debate about the ill-effects of Momos and most of the youngsters would tell you that Momos are really healthy as they have steamed meat or steamed vegetables. But is that really true? Is this cheap Junk…

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What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Alcohol?

It is always thrilling to grab a beer or a cocktail and it makes a perfect moment for the parties but did you ever wonder that what happens to your body when you drink alcohol? In this article, we have…

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How to Avoid Unwanted Pregnancy Naturally?

Lots of women these days are searching for ways to avoid the pregnancy. Pills and other methods are not viable for many women so they are looking for natural ways to avoid unwanted pregnancy. On the other side it is…

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How to Care for Spine at Home?

Back or neck pain is very common among adults. Some people are lucky to get rid of the pain while others suffer longer. Caring for spine at home can help you fight off acute back or neck pain. Recovering from…

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What are the Symptoms of Depression?

Among all the other diseases, depression is the most common one and there are millions of people in the world that are currently suffering through depression. When we hear the word “depression” we often ignore it and mistake it for…

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Warm Up: You Cannot Do Without It!

What happens when you try to start your car after it has been out in the cold for a long time? The engine sputters and makes all kinds of noises but just does not start. Do you know why? The…

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Autism Spectrum Disorder: 22 Facts You Probably Are Not Aware Of

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) belongs to a group of complex neurodevelopment disorders characterized by a few repetitive behaviors. Children suffering from this disorder have problems with social communication and interaction. The phrase ‘spectrum’ refers to various signs, expertise, and disability…

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What Happens When You Eat Expired Food?

Below are few discomforts that you might have to go through in case you eat expired food. 1. Food poisoning usually the first discomfort people suffer from after they eat any kind of expired food. The expired food contains bacteria…

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Is Type 1 Diabetes More Serious Than Type 2?

A total lack of insulin, usually because of loss of insulin-controlling beta cells of the pancreas is the major cause of type 1 diabetes. Formerly, known as juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, type-1 diabetes causes are different from that…

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